75th Anniversary

The Regulations of the UNJSPF were adopted by the United Nations General Assembly by resolution 248 (III) on 7 December 1948; the Regulations became effective on 23 January 1949, and have been amended by the Assembly several times since then, following recommendations by and consultation with the United Nations Joint Staff Pension Board. Current UNJSPF Regulations and Rules are available here.

Hence, 7 December 2023 marks 75 years since the approval of the UNGA resolution establishing the Fund. The Fund will be celebrating its 75th anniversary starting from this date throughout December 2024 test.


Creation of the UNJSPF
Entry into force of the Fund’s Regulations
Investment restriction on weapons
Investment restriction on tobacco
Creation of the pension adjustment system also known as the two-track to protect the purchasing power of retirees and beneficiaries
Approval of economic measures to improve actuarial balance and protect the rights of retirees and beneficiaries
Opening of the Geneva office
Modernization of the computer system
Creation of informational booklets
UNJSPF became a signatory of the Principles for Responsible Investing
UNJSPF invested in the first green bond by World Bank
Upgrade of the pension administration system
Launch of first website
Launch of series of educational videos
Climate Action +100 and tobacco free pledge
Opening of liaison office in Nairobi
Joined the Net-Zero Owner Alliance
Launch of the Digital Certificate of Entitlement App
Opening of liaison office in Bangkok
Carbon reduction targets – fossil fuel divestment
UNJSPF #1 on the leaders list in the 2021-2022 Responsible Asset Allocator
Initiative (RAAI) Index and Leaders List Report
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